Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring to my appointment?

  • For second opinions: records from your previous pediatric cardiology visits.
  • Contact information for your primary care provider or referring physician.
  • For security reasons, you will need an official government ID.
  • Up to date insurance policy card.
  • Favorite DVD for children who may need diversion during testing.

What will the length be of my first visit?

Your first consultation could last anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes.

What will you do during a first visit or consultation?

We will review your past medical history and past medical records. Our team will obtain careful and accurate vital signs including blood pressure and pulse oximetry. In all likelihood your child will have an electrocardiogram. We will perform a detailed physical examination, focusing on the heart and its affected organs. Depending on your reason for the visit and our physical findings, your child may have an echocardiogram performed during the first visit. We will review all of the information and discuss with you in detail our findings and together we will define a plan for treatment including future visits as needed.

Might there be tests performed during my first visit?

Yes, but nothing invasive!

  • 12- or 15-lead electrocardiogram: consists of sticker-like ‘electrodes’ attached to some wires and a computer that gives us information about the heart rate and heart rhythm.
  • Echocardiogram: an ultrasound of the heart which provides us with information about the structure and function of the heart and major blood vessels.

How will my referring physician know about my visit?

You will not have to wait. We will discuss all findings with you before you leave the office.

How will my referring physician know about my visit?

We will communicate directly and without delay with your referring physician.

If my child needs heart surgery, how do I proceed?

We will explain at length the reasons for surgery and decide together who the most appropriate congenital heart surgeon will be for you and your child’s specific case. We will ensure that you do not have the added worry of organizing a visit to a new facility by taking the responsibility to organize a visit to the surgeon’s office.

What insurance companies do you accept?

We will see all patients regardless of their insurance carriers. Our ‘in-network’ providers in alphabetical order are:

Aetna Multiplan
BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) NC Medicaid
Blue Value, BCBS-NC Private Healthcare Systems (part of Multiplan)
Cigna Tricare
Coventry / Wellpath UnitedHealthCare (UHC)

Do you charge hospital or facility fees?

No, unlike some other outpatient clinics, because we are independent of a hospital system; we never charge facility fees.